Udalguri Maharishi VidyalayaOnline Registration Class Seeking Admission into *LKGUKGClass IClass IIClass IIIClass IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XFirst Name *Middle NameLast Name *Date of Birth *Gender *MaleFemaleOthersReligion *HinduismChristianityMuslimSikhismBuddhismZoroastrianCaste *General (GEN)Scheduled Tribe (ST)Scheduled Caste (SC)Other Backward Castes (OBC)PhoneBlood GroupA+A-B+B-AB+AB-O+O-Father's Name *Father's OccupationFather's Phone NumberMother's Name *Mother's OccupationMother's Phone NumberIf Guardian is *FatherMotherOtherGuardian's Name *Guardian Relation *Father Mother OtherGuardian's Occupation *Guardian's Phone Number *Guardian's Address *Student's Current AddressStudent's Permanent AddressClick the Payment Button for PaymentOption 1Upload a Photo of the payment receipt *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileSubmit Form Pay Registration Fees